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 U Tube Auto Work Cell




A 自动上料机自动将直管上料、定位,自动上料完成后,进行焊缝识别,焊缝识别定位后,管件在待料区准备被抓取。管径25  时,可以一次批量上料约300根左右。

B 桁架机械手完成整个U形管自动生产线线的搬运和上下料功能

C 自动伺服双弯机可以根据客户需要,弯曲不同角度的U形管,本方案弯曲角度90度,用户也可以定制开间不同的伺服自动双弯   机,4个伺服电机在控制屏幕上数字调控角度和开间距离

D U形管两侧3-6组孔洞一次冲孔成型,一次成型并行冲孔作业可节省大量作业时间。(具体孔径和数量定制,孔距在一定尺寸范围内可调)

E  可以根据需要定制压弯工位,根据需要U形管件两端进行压弯作业

F  管径范围:16-38,可定制范围

G 节省人工约3-8人,根据实际人工线的加工工位而定。

H 收回投入成本快,本案收回成本后,企业相当于聘请了N个免费劳动力随时为企业效力,企业再也不用为招聘工人难而犯愁,更 没有人工难以管理,情绪波动大,工伤事故频发等诸多企业困境和难题。




The Main Future

A The automatic feeding machine automatically loads and positions the straight pipe. After the automatic feeding is completed, the weld is identified. After the weld is identified and positioned, the pipe is ready to be grabbed in the waiting area. When the pipe diameter is 25, about 300 pieces can be fed in batches at one time.

B truss manipulator completes the handling and loading and unloading functions of the entire U-shaped tube automatic production line

C The automatic servo double bender can bend different angles of U-shaped pipes according to customer needs. The bending angle of this solution is 90 degrees. The user can also customize the servo automatic double bender with different bays. 4 servo motors can digitally adjust the angle on the control screen. And distance

D. 3-6 sets of holes on both sides of the U-shaped tube are punched and formed at one time, and the parallel punching operation can save a lot of work time. (The specific hole diameter and quantity are customized, and the hole distance is adjustable within a certain size range)

E The bending station can be customized according to the needs, and the two ends of the U-shaped pipe can be bent according to the needs.

F pipe diameter range: 16-38, customizable range

G Save labor about 3-8 people, depending on the actual processing station of the manual line.

H Recover the input costs quickly. After the cost is recovered in this case, the company is equivalent to hiring N free laborers to work for the company at any time. The company no longer has to worry about the difficulty of recruiting workers, and there is no labor difficult to manage, emotional fluctuations, and frequent work accidents. And many other business dilemmas and problems.